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Happy Spurling - Regular Font
Kayla Lanier - Bold Font
Hey guys, today we are going to be talking about how to detox your life. This is episode 1, 10 episode series, so let's get into it.
I really wanted to start this series so that we can understand how important it is to eliminate as many toxins in our life that we can. Especially as women because a lot of these toxins disrupt hormones and so we find ourselves in a hormone crisis as women, unlike anything that we've ever known about. And it's a little overwhelming, or it's a lot overwhelming, I guess, to say, well, there's toxins everywhere and pollution in our air, like the frequency from our phones, like all these different things. And it's very overwhelming or it can be.
And so I wanted to do this series just so that we could kind of target the main things that we can detox from our life. And take them down one at a time and give you some practical things that you could do to actually not feel overwhelmed and know that you are making a huge difference in your life.
Because so many times in practice there are clients that are doing all the right things. They're eating well, they're taking supplementation, they're exercising, and yet their health issues are still the same. And it's very discouraging for them to do all that work and note have results from it.
Right, and I think it's very important to realize that you can't just check out when it comes to things like this. We are surrounded by chemicals and sometimes you can just, well, just be like, oh, it doesn't matter. You know, this is the cheaper one. This is the one that's on sale. I'm going to buy this soap, you know, even though it's full of dyes and everything else that's just totally toxic, which doesn't rinse off by the way, it's still on your dishes.
I just think it's important for us to just not get overwhelmed. But to just take one thing at a time and realize that we really need to just limit these things. I love Frebreeeze. I love the way it smells. I make it rain in my living room every day with it.
So, something I'm gonna have to switch up. I guess I'll switch to essential oils, but--
Yes, that's a good choice.
I mean, I've used Fabreeze as a cologne at one, at one point, so. But anyways, yes. This is going to be a basic intro into how you can limit the chemicals in your life.
Yeah, and I think we have to start bringing this down to the reality of what can we do about it. Because I think there is this mentality right now that everything we do seems to be condemned.
It's like, well, I might try to eat well, but there's chemicals on my food. I might try to get fresh air. Well, there's chemicals in the air. And I think, I hear it all the time from clients. It's like, well one, I'm overwhelmed because no matter what I do, it doesn't seem like I'm ever going to get ahead of all of this.
But I think that is an attitude that we have to be very careful about because if we don't step back and say, look, there are things that are in our control. Yes, there's tons of things that aren't in our control, but we do have the ability to make some changes that may seem very small that can make a huge difference.
And yes, people say sometimes, well, our bodies are used to dealing with toxins, toxins are everywhere, we don't even really need to detox. And that has been interesting to hear different thoughts on that, that some people just say detoxing is just trending, that there's no real need for that, it doesn't work.
And of course we know how unbased that is, but you do kind of come against that sometimes. And the reason that toxins matter is that they affect our cells. So, let's say someone's dealing with a thyroid condition and maybe they've dealt with it for years and they think that the problem is their thyroid.
But they may do the medication, they may do even diet and exercise and all the things that they are supposed to do and they are still suffering with thyroid symptoms. And that's where this all comes in is that you've got to empty the toxin bucket. It's just a good analogy that we all have a bucket in our system that is basically being given one drop at a time of whatever, whether it's toxins from environmental things or food or medications, and everyone has a certain level before that spills out into the system.
But when it does...when the toxin is the last drop in the bucket, then you have a system that completely goes awry, and you get all these diagnoses, autoimmune disease, weight loss resistance, like things that don't make any sense, and, and it's because we are toxic, and we have to help our body be able to, one, limit what's coming in, and two, try to clean up that mess that's in there.
I feel like detox is trending and we have to be careful that we don't get so inundated with, Oh, detox this or cleanse this. You have to be careful how you approach that because if you truly detox something, then it moves it out of an area in the body that it was perhaps stored in a cell and it basically localizes it into general areas and then we detox.
And if it's not done well, you just recirculate that back through the system. There has to be ways to remove the source so that you can regenerate the cell. And honestly, I don't think that there's anything that will be 100 percent effective until people literally heal their cells. And we have to start with what's damaging them, which is toxins.
Right. And just to clarify for the simple minded like me, by detoxing, we're not talking about you know, going and getting some green juice and sitting on a prayer pillow. Like, even those things, I mean, they, they may seem very eye catching on Instagram, but this is a deeper level. And we're not saying because you use Clorox on your toilet, it's the reason you have thyroid issues.
You know, I mean, because I can't...
But it could be a part of it.
Exactly. I mean, I can't exactly blame the comet I use on my shower wall. But all of these things combined. So if you're using like really toxic heavy duty chemicals, you're spraying it in the air. Like there's a lot of them. Maybe you have like eight or nine household items.
Like you're using really cheap laundry detergent and fabric softener with a bunch of chemicals. Like those things combined. You don't have to limit everything, but maybe just like cut out half of it. You know, that would just give you a break and allow your body to detox on its own.
Yeah. And when, when you think about our modern day environment. I mean, it's not a mystery why so many people are struggling with health issues, but the fact that women tend to struggle the most is unique in that our hormones are very different than the makeup of male hormones. They're both very important and make no mistake, these things disrupt hormones in men and women, even causing fertility issues.
I mean, the research around some of these chemicals and what they do to the ovaries and to testicles and sperm production. I mean, it, it should be concerning, but we just don't know about it to be concerned. And I think, you know, the way that, that we think about chemicals as well, a little bit won't hurt you.
But that's the whole conversation is a little of anything combined with a little of something else is going to add up to be a lot. Two plus two is still four. And if I have a little bit from here and a little bit from that, and I can get rid of half of that load, then like you said, I mean, we've at least gotten somewhere.
We may be two steps ahead instead of one step back when we don't remove everything, but it's better than where we were before. A hundred percent, people cannot overcome major health issues until they deal with a toxin load in their life. I was researching recently that since World War II, there have been 80,000 new chemicals created.
I mean, just think about that, since World War II, with 1, 500 new chemicals per year being introduced. So, we're facing something that is, it's exponentially different than what we faced or people faced 100 years ago. And you're facing it on all different levels. And they do tests. They're very insufficient tests, but 10 of those chemicals will be tested for their neurotoxic effect out of the 1500 typically.
So they kind of pull that together and say, well, let's see what this does. But none of them will be tested to see how they react with the other chemicals that are in that product.
So the synergistic effect of that one chemical profile may actually say, well, this won't kill you immediately. So that's pretty...
Yeah, you've got time, you may have a tumor 20 years down the road, but you know, you're going to smell good. You're going to smell really nice, you know.
Yeah, and because most cleaning chemicals are protected by trade secrets. Meaning the companies do not have to disclose the products ingredients. And to me, that's criminal. But that they can actually include ingredients that are proven to cause cancer and neurotoxicity with no ramifications.
Because there's no regulations on that and yet we're putting it on the one organ or breathing it through our lungs, which is the fastest way to get anything into the system. And so I think we have to deal with the how we can Detoxify our life and different things that we can do so that we're not dealing with chemicals on a downstream level.
You know the analogy and I've used that before where you know You might have a piece of property that you've bought and you notice that the stream is toxic, it's stagnant, there's no life in it, and you may begin to really start to clean that up and get it looking pretty good.
But then you notice that, you know, a neighbor comes by and says a few miles up the road there's a toxic chemical company that's, they're putting chemicals in the stream every day. So the work you're doing down here might have a little effect. But unless you go to the headwaters of that and you deal with it from there, that's what we do now.
That's the conventional model, is we clean up the mess beneath the waterfall, but we can't ever stop what's actually the root of it, what's happening from the top. And that's where detoxifying your life can help you to become well when you've done everything else. Or maybe you haven't done any of it and this is new.
I mean, that's wonderful because then you have somewhere to go with it all.
Exactly. And this is not borderline tinfoil hat here. This is like real information. You can find it yourself. Like these are real things, you know, and I will say that, I mean, I'm thinking right now I probably use up to 25 different chemicals between 7 and 9 a. m. In the morning like I've got my you know. I've my really nice beauty products and some of them are clean some of them aren't some of them I just really like and you know, I wash my hands with you know soap, that's not exactly organic and I use coffee filters the cheapest that I can find and I know like none of us are rich you know like we can't afford you know, to shop at Air One or, you know, go to Whole Foods and, you know, make sure that everything is just, you know.
And I think that's what discourages some people is they're like, well, maybe I can only afford these products, but to me I've found the good news about that is that there are homemade products that literally only take five minutes of your time. Kaytlin at our house and Rissy and Jaiden, they keep us up on our laundry detergent and, and basically, you know, we're mixing salt and some, uh, washing soda.
It's like four ingredients and literally putting it in mason jars, usually like two tablespoons per load. It literally eliminated formaldehyde, ethyl benzene, petroleum, chlorine, benzene, butyl salosive and phenol, which all of those are chemicals that are in a typical everyday laundry detergent. And you think, well, you know, yeah, but we can handle benzene.
Like if we just pick out one of those compounds, but if you understand that how benzene works is that it actually causes your cells to not work properly. So the CDC, if you pull up benzene basics on the, so no tinfoil hat here. This is full disclosure from the CDC. It's that people who breathe in high levels of benzene may develop the following signs and symptoms within minutes to several hours, or if it's a major exposure on your skin.
So you're talking about headaches. It's amazing how many people have migraine headaches, but when you start trying to clean up their life, You realize that they have so many chemicals coming in, and when you can remove those toxins, most of the time the migraines go away. And so, that's just seeing it on a real working level of how it can affect you.
Benzene is also linked to anemia. Because it changes how your red blood cells, it decreases how many you produce, which are what indirectly cause you to be able to store iron. And it can also damage the immune system by changing blood levels of antibodies and causing the loss of white blood cell counts, which affects your immune system.
But I think the seriousness of benzene is that it can actually, what we're talking about here is that it can change your bone marrow. And it's like, amazing to me that as humans, we survive all of this. And it's beautiful that God made us so resiliently, but our bodies are facing things they never have before.
And if we just stick our head in the sand and go, Well, I'm still gonna use my Tide, I'm still gonna use my Fabric Softener. Then you're probably going to end up having a toxic load one day that may end up causing other issues. Maybe not. If you have great methylation pathways and you don't have any gene snps and your liver works like 100%, you can encounter these things longer than most people without them causing issues.
Yeah, you may experience mild side effects or things you don't even notice when you're using these household cleaners and if you're using a lot of them. As a previous house cleaner, I remember using like, you know, up to 30 different chemicals in a day and then like having constant headaches and not even thinking about why.
And then just feeling like when I would go into a bathroom and clean with bleach or like products and just, you know, like wheezing and not even just I just I got tired or whatever, but then taking a break from cleaning and realizing that, you know, like my breathing is better, I don't have headaches anymore.
It's like, Oh, I was just ignoring that at the time, but like, it really was a real thing, you know?
Well, and I mean, because you were doing cleaning professionally, how much exposure were you getting over a normal person? But our clothes like your laundry detergent? One of the most toxic things that we can use.
What do you do with your clothes? Hopefully we're wearing them, unless we're in some other kind of colony or something, but we're wearing those all day long. Then we're sleeping on our sheets that are bathed in that stuff. So our bodies really aren't getting a tiny amount. They're getting chronic exposure.
So, the laundry soap, I'll link that in the notes. That's so simple to make.
I mean, you can find your inner Amish. Get out there and make some.
Honestly, if you meal prep and if you're like, I don't even have time to do the laundry, let alone make my laundry. So at some point we have to choose our, like choose what's hard.
Is it really that hard to take 10 minutes out of your, maybe every two weeks? We make enough to last us about three weeks. So literally. Four things, mix them together and you're done. But you start making these proactive movements to make a difference because, and I say this a lot on the podcast, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome.
So we have to start somewhere. And laundry detergent is something that we're all encountering day and night. And even fabric softener, which honestly is even worse.
Yeah. I completely deleted that from my life. Yeah. I mean, my husband and I both were breaking out in rashes every night because the sheets covered in fabric softener.
Which smell really nice, but it's like, get you know some wool dryer balls and literally throw them in. They will soften your clothes naturally.
You can use essential oils, can't you?
Yeah. And I feel like I've put essential oils in the laundry detergent, but I feel like I just wasted a lot of money because it really doesn't hold.
But in the, if you put it on the dryer balls, they actually do scent the laundry, so I use lavender.
Peppermint is lovely.
Peppermint is awesome. And it's pretty...
Or sometimes I'll take a sock. And just like wrap it up in itself like an old sock and then just put essential oil inside of it. Kind of throw it in the dryer. It makes the whole dryer smell good. It's not killing you.
No, and if you get any peppermint like oil residual from it, it's calming to the nervous system.
It keeps the spiders out of your socks.
It's definitely, and I do love peppermint, lemon essential oil. So I think you know what we always try to do is that when you guys listen to our podcast We want you to leave knowing that yeah this isn't good.There's a problem here, but what can you do about it and to give practical things that help you be your own health advocate. So I got rid of cleaners a long time ago for household cleaners. I do use a small amount of alcohol if I'm wanting a disinfectant, and I mix it in a solution of water and some essential oil.
Yeah, and I mean, vinegar's good. If you don't mind the vinegar smells. I mean, it's great if you have like mold or mildew around the toilets maybe, but yeah, I think that's the best way to approach it and I mean if you don't feel like finding your inner Amish and making all these products there's Seventh Generation. There's some other good brands. There's some cleaner like laundry detergents that have less chemicals that are, you know, sensitive, like sensitive skin, you know, they're really good for that.
And that's a good point too. There are a lot of products. I'm a little too cheap for that because no one can afford it.
Yeah, I mean, eight bucks for it.
But I do, at the office, we use Seventh Generation Spray Cleaner. I don't think it's perfect, but it's way better than the other. Just because I'm not at home making all that stuff for here, too. I mean, we've got a big life, so I'm like, you're kind of on your own. We're going to clean it with the best that we can.
Just having options, and there's a lot of options online, but like furniture polish, it's alarming what is in furniture polish, but you can use some olive oil with a little bit of squeezed lemon juice and shake that up in a glass jar and just put it in one of your spray bottles that you've repurposed after.
You can get those little water bottles or whatever that you can put it in, um, even the glass the little glass colored ones and they work great and you can just keep reusing them forever. But you know, I think just doing something and that's been my mantra really is to say, no matter what's going on with your health, don't do nothing.
So if you really want to say, I've got these issues and I don't know what happened to my thyroid. The thyroid situation right now is pretty bad. I mean, it is absolutely explosive how many people are getting thyroid problems younger and younger. And we're dealing with it in the office on a daily basis, multiple times a day.
And it's because the thyroid is exceptionally sensitive to chemicals. And I think it's a combination of everything we're encountering. But, you know, what we want to do is how to fix my thyroid symptoms. How to help with that. And that's, that needs to be done. But a bigger question is, why? Why is this happening?
And what can I do to prevent it from happening to me? Or if I'm already in that situation? There are literally things you can do. As far as testing that can be done to see if you have methylation issues with your genes that would cause you to encounter chemicals and not be able to get ride of them which makes you more likely to get auto immune conditions.
Part of the digging deeper work that needs to be done, where we are presented with a diagnosis and the symptoms from that and we say okay, I've heard that, I;ve seen that and now I need to go find out why.
And you have to start with the toxic load that you have in your life. I think that;s one of the hardest things, that we're so conditioned that there's something wrong and theirs something that I can take to fix my problem. Well, that's kind of like standing in one spot and telling someone to pour a bucket of water over your head but telling them not to let your feet get wet. It's like, you are going to be affected by those things and if you have a condition, any condition, I'm talking high blood pressure to thyroid to weight loss resistance, especially hormone issues you have an issues like that you're gonna have to address it from the ground up.
Because if you don't you'll probably find yourself most of your life trying to get ahead of something that's going to out run you eventually.
So, this was the first one, the household cleaners, we're gonna actually do one that will have to do with water and air quality and mold and heavy metals and all kinds of things coming up. And then we're actually going to end with frequency and EMFs and how we can start to be proactive to limit our exposure as much as possible without going to live off-grid somewhere that may not even exist anymore.
But, yeah, so, it's time to minimalize.
All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe:
Laundry Soap Recipe: